Reading Review Week 2-1 Boos, Bans, and Other Backlash The Ethics of Online Coverage of Recruiting https://www.medi

Reading Review Week 2-1

Boos, Bans, and Other Backlash

The Ethics of Online Coverage of Recruiting

Emerging technologies ad shifting consumer motives

Each week you are to write a synopsis of the week’s readings – no longer than one page.  There are multiple readings assigned each week, but there is an underlying theme or themes.  Simple state what the theme(s) is/are.  This week’s readings covered:

Boos, Bans, and Other Backlash: The Consequences of Being an Activist Athlete.  Humanity & Society, v32, p. 215-237.

Geissler, D., Beiderbeck, D., Schmidt, S., & Schreyer, D., (2024).  Emerging technologies and Shifting Consumer Motives: Projecting the Future of the Top-Tier Sports Media Product.  Technological Forecasting & Social Change v203. (pdf on Canvas)

Yanity, M., & Edmondson, A.  (2011).  The Ethics of Online Coverage of Recruiting High School Athletes.  International Journal of Sport Communication v4, p403-421. (pdf on Canvas)

Readings Review Week 2-2

What is the Sports Product

When Crises Change the Game

Each week you are to write a synopsis of the week’s readings – no longer than one page.  There are multiple readings assigned each week, but there is an underlying theme or themes.  Simple state what the theme(s) is/are.  This week, I also want you to include your personal opinion on this week’s thesis – do you agree/disagree and why.  This week’s readings included:

Brown-Devlin, N. & Brown, K. A.,  (2020).  When Crises Change the Game: Establishing  a Typology of Sports- Related Crises.  Journal of International Crisis and Risk v3, N1, p49-70.   (pdf on Canvas)

Mason, D. (1999). What is the Sports Product and Who Buys It? The Marketing of Professional Sports Leagues. European Journal of Marketing v33(3/4). (pdf on Canvas)