Real Estate

Real Estate Industry
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:

The difference between buyers agent and listing agent success strategies
How to build a successful real estate brokerage
The culture of successful real estate businesses
Being a resource: How to create value in the real estate industry
11 must have tools every real estate professional should use
7 must know tips for Realtors to work successfully with mortgage brokers and lenders
11 habits of highly successful Realtors
What you need to know about how COVID-19 pandemic affected the real estate industry
The ultimate DIY house flipping guide
Photography 101 & Houses: What every commercial photographer wants real estate professionals to know
A picture Is worth a thousand words: The dos and donts of house listing photos
Pros and cons of using general contractors when flipping houses
How to use financing and lenders when flipping houses
How To work with real estate Investors: A go to Guide for Realtors
Helping your clients sell their house fast in Foreclosure
Mortgage brokers ultimate guide to building a Realtor referral network
Data Science: Why Data is a Real Estate professionals best friend
Theres an App for That: 7 must have apps for Realtors
Hidden Gems of Data: Little known free data sources for Realtors
Hustle & Grind: Working smarter not Harder for Real Estate Success
Accounting 101: Tax Deductions Real Estate Professionals often overlook
Branding and positioning: Insider Marketing secrets for Real Estate Professionals
The ultimate real estate networking guide: Your Network Determines your Net Worth
7 Easy and overlooked Excel formulas all Real Estate Professionals should know and why
Talking a good game: Communication and building rapport with real estate Buyers and Sellers
Concise messaging: Getting your point across to real estate buyers and sellers in 280 characters or less
7 insider house staging secrets for real estate professionals
Emerging real estate trends for 2021: What you need to know Now
How to Attract massive turnouts to your next open house: Why cookies dont cut it anymore

Focus on one of the topics below in their essay but choose an original title for their essay which is different from the essay titles above. Cite all references by using only URL / hyperlinks to the online source, or personal interview conducting by applicant.

All essays must be written by the applicant and must NOT be previously published online or elsewhere. Essays should explore the selected topic thoroughly and showcase the applicants ability to convey their original thoughts and ideas about the real estate industry and the subject matter of the essay topic.

Applicants are welcome to include reference content in their essays from their own interviews they personally conduct.