reasearch essay

 Must post first.

We will use this discussion forum to give and receive feedback on our working outlines.


Before midnight on Wednesday, March 10th  post your working outline to the discussion. If you have specific questions (Is there information you are having trouble locating? Is there an aspect of the outline that you are not sure of? Anything specific you would like feedback on?) please include these in your post.

STEP TWO: Due by midnight on Sunday, March 14th 

Return to the discussion, and provide detailed, thoughtful feedback in replies to two classmates outlines.

NOTE: Because I am not using the groups function, it is up to all of us to share the work fairly. Do not provide feedback on an outline with more than two (thorough) replies, unless there are none lacking feedback.

Your feedback can include:

  • Responses to questions asked by the writer.
  • Any insight/knowledge/experience/perspective* you have on the subject matter.
  • Suggestions/leads for further research.
  • Questions you have as a reader. (Is there anything you are unclear on? What do you want to know more about?)
  • Compliments and encouragement! What do you like about it? What is this writer doing well?

*If you happen to disagree with the position of the paper, your perspective can be important in helping the writer respond to opposing views. Please do share your objections, but do so with respect, civility, and sensitivity.