Recent new in unemployment in the US

Written Assignments (10% of Final Class Grade)
To elaborate the written assignments you need to choose from de media any article related to the topics covered in class such as demand, supply, interest rate, taxes, subsides, inflation, unemployment.
Your article can be from any media source (newspaper, magazine, website, etc.)
All Written Assignments works will be graded on Gordon Rule requirements, format, content, sources, clarity, connectivity, and quality of analysis. Since this course must meet the Gordon rule requirements, you must submit all three scheduled Articles reviews or you may not pass the class.   
Miami Dade General Education Outcomes:  The class and writing assignments are designed to reflect and practice
Critical Thinking (Students should be able to solve problems using critical and creative scientific reasoning.) 
Numbers / Data Analysis (Students should be able to process, understand and accurately analyze numerical data)
Computer / Technology Usage (You will learn how to use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation programs.

An article review is a written evaluation of a particular work. It takes the form of an essay. It is done after careful reading, note-taking and analysis of what the author is trying to say. Your reviews length may vary according to the articles size.
The review consist of four main parts that are placed in continuous narrative.

A. Description of the work
A one or two paragraph description of the works physical structure and any information about the author you may have discovered. For example magazine title, number of pages, publisher, copyright, date, edition, whether it is part of a series.
B. Statements of authors goals:
The author will say that he or she is trying to accomplish somewhere at the outset either in the articles preface or in its introduction. In your own words, or paraphrasing his or her own, state the persons objectives for having writing the article (one or two paragraphs)
C. Your verdict:
Did the author achieve the goals set forth? Or. Were some achieved but not all? Were the conclusions valid, or can you show when he or she hedged the point? If the answer is yes show why and use examples from the text to bolster your praise. If the answer is no do the same thing to back your claim. Remember, you cannot praise or condemn without proof.
D. Your Opinion of the whole Work:   
Did you like the article? Why or why not? Use examples to bolster your statements.
Proofread your work before turning it in and watch your spelling.
In addition, student cannot pass, i.e., earn a letter grade of C or better, ECO 2013 without satisfactorily completing three written assignments.  All writing assignments will be graded according to the following college-wide criteria:

Miami Dade College
Gordon Rule Writing Rubric

Articles Review Additional Explanation (10% of Final Class Grade)
The Articles Review are the written Gordon Rule component of the class. 
For each article you must submit a 1-2 page summary/analysis of the article, the correct font is the following:
1)    The Article Summary must be Typed double space. (APA Format)
2)    One inch margins all around the page.
3)    Font 12, Times New Roman or Arial ONLY.
4)    Every article must have a Cover Page and a References page as requested in APA
5)    Write it ALL in your OWN words, DO NOT COPY / PASTE anything, your grade will be severely penalized if you do so.
The Article Review is basically you explaining what the article author is trying to convey.  It is an explanative summary analysis of the article.  Use the following to guide you through writing the summary.  Even though the article writing is not formal, this is a business class and we must write the article accordingly, refrain yourself from making the article summary too personal.
1)    Introduce your article summary.
2)    What is the articles main idea.  Explain / Summarize in your own words what is the article writing about.
3)    What it the issue at hand, what is the authors point of view, how is the author substantiating his opinion on the matter?
4)    Want to get an A then use other sources if desired to talk about the same topic and expand the authors article.
5)    End it by providing your opinion on the matter.  Do you believe the article is right/wrong and why, is there any right/wrong on this matter?  Notice any claims you make must be substantiated by hard information, data that supports your claim.

They MUST include a references page and a cover page.  Project MUST be APA style.  The article is due on the due date as listed on page 1, NOT later.  The use of Wikipedia, any other internet blog, question-answer website as a source in not acceptable.  Make sure you use acceptable (recognized) sources.  Your project will be checked for academic irregularities, you will receive a Zero if the project is found to be someone elses partial or entire work. All LATE WORK will receive a SEVERE grade penalty, or may not be accepted.