Refernces: The Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model: A Road Map to Goal Attainment, Problem Solving, and Crisis Resolution — Roberts and Ottens 5 (4): 329 — Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention


The Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model: A Road Map to Goal Attainment, Problem Solving, and Crisis Resolution — Roberts and Ottens 5 (4): 329 — Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention (


What is Evidence-Based Practice:

Module 1 Chapter 2: What is Evidence-Based Practice?

Solution Focused Brief Therapy: to an external site. to an external site.

Task Centered Practice: to an external site.

How Do Social Workers Use Task Centered Practice?

What is Task-Centered Practice in Social Work?

Please read through the PDF: The Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model.

Create a realistic vignette and identify a crisis situation in which you, as the Social Worker will intervene utilizing the Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model. Submit a one-page paper including your crisis vignette and discussion of how you would implement the crisis intervention model. Please include any cultural considerations.

The paper should be approx. one page and include high-quality APA writing. Please include a title page and double-check all spelling and grammar prior to submitting. Also, please make sure to cite all relevant information and include references as appropriate.