- Choose this prompt for Reflection Paper 2 OR the prompt for 3/8. Do not submit both.
General instructions are found in your syllabus (pgs. 5-6). Please review these first, since some of you missed the idea of the reflection paper because you only followed the specific prompt, not the general instructions!
Reflection Paper 2: InfancyReflect on the birth of a child you know in their family context. Look at how this birth impacted family members, changed the course of development for adults (e.g., caring for an infant with Down syndrome or physical disability), and/or was impacted by or impacted larger contexts as well (for instance, someone lost a job, birth required parents to get to know deaf culture, an adoption). OR a lternatively, you may observe or interact with an infant and reflect on what you noticed about infant development and parent or caregiver-infant interaction. General instructions are found in your syllabus (pgs. 5-6). Please review these first, since some of you have missed the idea of the reflection paper because you only followed the specific prompt, not the general instructions!
Reflection Paper 2: Early ChildhoodFor this paper, you should take some time to observe a small child or children (18 months to 5 years), or to interact with one you know. Write a reflection paper on what aspects of development you noticed, including communication, frustration tolerance, emotion expressed, word usage, cognitive development, body coordination, and so on. Possible places to observe, in addition to homes: with family or friends, at grocery store, Saturday Farmers Market, library, neighborhood, religious service, outdoor space). ORIn family life, a young child is both impacting and being impacted by the family into which they are born. How we were experienced by our parents and family members as babies and small children may become part of the family narrative, with implications for attachment, temperament and goodness of fit, family dynamics, and larger family and cultural ideas and myths. You may write about how you were experienced as a young child. Or you may write more generally about family dynamics in your early years