Reflection Paper



The article regarding the filing of police violence addresses the issues about human rights, mobilizing shame, and the media. It is indeed evident that the filming of these videos has done no justice in stopping police brutalities and violence. This is seen in the examples of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police despite posting several videos and footage of the officer from the cameras at Cup Foods his killing has still not been impactful to discuss the disadvantages of police departments in attempting police violence. None of the videos was able to save his life and put a stop to other possible similar murders. The same incidence is still seen in Castile’s death by officer Chauvin whose video was taken, surfaced by the whole media but his life was already taken. Therefore, the hope that the existence of cameras would counterbalance racism that affects people of color and the use of force by police has been a techno-utopian fantasy.

To address the challenge of police violence, we can all participate in creating other movements toward ending brutality, violence, and racism. Social media activists are playing a major role in advocating for marginalized voices and giving a platform for anyone to advocate. They still come up with ways to financially support victims and hence they are much more inspiring in the fight against police violence. However, the limitations that are seen in social activists’ work is that they may end up not being peaceful and cause destruction. Online activisms may spread fake news; hence it is good to check for sources first.

The context of the work has addressed the aspect of racism and brutality in the US, the authors have talked about movements such as Black lives matter in determining the aspect of hoping for change and addressing humanity which is done by social activists towards creating a need for the same. The hope for sousveillance is in vain, however, the U.S is constantly affected by racism which is a major challenge. Black Lives Matter has been the largest movement in the U.S since 2013, social media has been impactful in the U.S and has continued to act as a political engagement venue as well as that for social activism and has helped many Black Americans (Kelley,2015). The summer of 2020 has ensured that the U. S’s biggest participation in protests against racial justice and civil rights. The Associates at North-western University are addressing the current verdict on Derek Chauvin in determining racial justice movements and Black Lives Matter in addressing U.S civil rights.





















Kelley, R. (2015). Op-Ed: Baltimore and the language of change. Retrieved 2 May 2022, from