Reflective Assignment

Reflection is sometimes referred to as a process that occurs internally and in isolation. A Reflection-in-Action is a reflective process where one is able to reflect and act from our experiences. It is a time to reflect on activities or events of a moment in time and explore feelings, thoughts, reactions and impact of our current and future selves. It is an internal process for practicing being in the moment and for broadening our consciousness. You are to prepare Reflection in which you explore the concepts you have learned each week that you will take forward into your Baccalaureate level nursing practice.

Your Question: What is my experience with nursing theory?  Have I ever seen nursing theory in practice?  How important do I think nursing theory is to nursing practice? What do I find most interesting about what I am learning about nursing theory? Is my mind and heart open to learning to see nursing from a different perspective?

Discuss and reflect on the topic in terms of:

How the content and assignments met the course objective(s)?
Provide examples of actual or potential applications of the course weeks course concepts.
Successes or challenges that you had for the week in terms of the course content.

Length: 400 words minimum
Format: APA 7th Edition