reflective essay sports indrustry

The purpose of this assignment is to draw conclusions that support predictions for the future direction of sports marketing.

The  sports marketing industry does not exist in isolation, but is  continually evolving alongside new technological advancements, the  growing ubiquity of social media, increased media accessibility, and  even new ways of looking at age-old marketing strategies. Fan bases are  expanding, individual athletes are becoming more influential  spokespeople, and sports themselves are becoming more widely available  to the public across a host of mediums and streaming platforms. As the  times change, it is essential that sports marketing initiatives stay  relevant and progressive in order to keep up.

write a reflective response (approximately 750-1,000 words)  commenting on what you see as the future trajectory of marketing within  the sports business industry. You may refer back to readings from the  Topic Materials in addition to your own external research.

Address the following points in your response:

  1. How  has the sports industry evolved in the last 10 years? How has your  relationship to the sports industry changed in the last 10 years?
  2. What  do you anticipate your future looking like in the sports marketing  industry? Where do you see yourself ending up within the global sport  ecosystem?
  3. What do you predict will be the potential challenges  for sports marketers in the future? What do you foresee as potential  opportunities for sports marketing growth and expansion?
  4. How  have recent advancements in technology benefited sports marketing? How  do you think technology will enhance or improve sports marketing moving  forward?
  5. How do you think sports media and consumption will  change for fans in the future? Do you see this as a positive or negative  effect on the sports marketing industry?