Registered Nurses In Primary Care Grant (RNPC)

1ST ASSIGNMENT – Nursing on COVIDs Front Lines – Webinar:

View the webinar and respond to the questions below:

-If you were a practising nurse, how would you apply the knowledge you acquired from this learning activity?

-How does the content of the learning activity relate to the primary care mission?

-What did you learn that you may not have known prior to participating in this activity?

2ND ASSIGNMENT – Spring 2021 Wrap-Up Reflection

To wrap up this semester, simply answer the following reflective questions in D2L:

-After participating in spring 2021 learning activities, has your viewpoint on nursing changed? Please explain your answer.

-How have these webinars prepared you for another year as a nursing student or a future career in nursing if youre graduating?

-Do you have suggestions for topics you feel we should cover in the future? Please explain.