Relate Video, 2 UCC Peer Review Journal Articles & Text Book to Acheived Status & How Achieved Status Relates to One’s Self Concept. Use your textbook to relate the content in this video to Sociological Concepts.
You can, but do not need to, include why no one has replicated Berry Gordon’s universal achievements in the music industry in relation to social equality. Please do not summarize this video because no credit is issued for summaries. Please write as Junior Sociologists. Write 1 1/2 to 2 pages addressing how the video relates to the topic of sociology. Cite in APA format the 2-peer reviewed UCC data base articles and textbook throughout your essay and list at them at the end of your essay.
This is a plagiarism-checked assignment. Write in your own words. Plagiarism ratings of 50% or higher will receive a zero