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Replies to Juan Gallegos

Hello, thank you for sharing the information that you found to be most relevant while studying the APA style and the importance behind it’s use.

As you alluded to in your post, the APA style provides those within the psychological community with a standardized set of guidelines and a format to use when reporting the findings that they made while conducting their own research. This is important for a number of reasons, which you mentioned above, such as making documents easier to digest, helping to flow information, and helping to arrange the findings made within a particular study. However, these guidelines also provide another added benefit. As the textbook states, one of the leading factors behind the founding of new research are the findings made within previous research (Dunn & Halonen, 2020). In other words, the findings made by one researcher can lead to another researcher’s experiments, which can result in additional findings. With this idea in mind, one can see how a standardized set of reporting guidelines can lead to future researchers easily identifying important pieces of information within each other’s published works.