What are potential barriers to forming an effective relationship with families? What if any might be potential conflicts of interest?

 Some barriers in forming a practical relation within my family are communication, lack of respect, trust, and confidentiality. A family unit is complex in its structure. The word family has multiple definitions. In Wikipedia (2021), a family is defined as a group of people related either by birth, marriage, or other relationship. Within a society, families are to maintain the wellness of their members. 

 Family is made up of every family member, the importance of the family is its structure. The most important social relationship an individual develops is with his/her family. Through socialization, a child first learns to interact with society. Communication is vital in any interpersonal interaction with another human. Many of us do not know how to communicate effectively. It isn’t easy to listen when you want to be heard and get your point across. Communicating at times was difficult for me, especially if I had to deal with disrespect which is another barrier that hinders forming effective relationships in families.  Communication in families is imperative to maintain family relationships and unity (Rediy & Tefera, 2020). 

 The lack of respect individuals young and old express to one another is disheartening. In my opinion, this level of disrespect is occurring because our family’s structured hierarchy has lost its boundaries. The hierarchy of the family is broken down into subsystems. Boundaries regulate and define the rules that structure participants’ behavior in a subsystem (Maurer & Smith 2013).

 Trust is the one element that holds our world together. It is society’s glue. The lack of trust destroys communities which inhibits their ability to flourish (Jaffe, 2018). When trust is absent, it is difficult for the lines of communication to be open. Family members want to trust and believe wholeheartedly they care for each other. Lately has been difficult for me to trust people because the genuineness and authenticity behind their actions are untrue. The inability to trust has destroyed relationships within my family unit that will never be repaired.

 Conflicts of interest can destroy families. We all may have differences of opinion, but when those differences become so severe and toxic to the point of causing unnecessary stress and discord within the family, interventions are needed to alter this behavior. Communication is the potential conflict of interest in my family because everyone wants to be correct. The first step is for us to address the conflict by being proactive instead of reactive. Step back, stop and analyze and process what the conflict is. In families, we all will have our personal beliefs and values embedded in us through our experiences. Families are constantly faced with conflicts of interest, from politics to parental differences in disciplining the children. The actual reality is many conflicts within the family structure may never be resolved. The responsibility of resolving conflicts of interest is with the individuals themselves having the ability to listen to one another and see the conflict from the other person’s perspective (Wrench et al., 2020).



Family (2020). Wikipedia. 

Jaffee, D. (2018). The essential importance of trust: How to build it or restore it. Forbes.  how-to-build-it-or-restore-it/?sh=541262f264fe.

Maurer, F. A., Smith, C. M. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing Practice. Health for   Family and Populations. 5th (ed). p 331. Elsevier.  1-4557-0762-1.

Rediy, S., Tefera, B. (2020). A family-based behavioral intervention to enhance family   communication and family cohesion among siblings in polygamous family. Clinical and   experimental Psychology. Volume 0, Issue 0. familybased-behavioral-intervention-to-enhance-family-communication-and-family-  cohesion-among-siblings-in-polygamous-family-59129.html.

Wrench et al., (2020). 9.4: Conflict Management Strategies. LibreTexts. t_in_Relation  ships/9.04%3A_Conflict_Management_Strategies.


Building an effective relationship with family members is a critical factor that can significantly influence how the family members live. Every parent and child desire to enjoy a healthy life with a compelling relationship existing between them. When parents cooperate and work together, children see the situation and recognizes the behavior, and that acts as a foundation that the same kids wish for the same life when they raise. A sturdy relationship with family members helps children develop a positive attitude toward education to ensure their conducive environment. Even though household relationships becoming too advantageous to the family, there arises an area of concern where barriers exist in forming an effective relationship with families. On the other side, nurses face barriers resulting from the families of the patient. These blocks lead to an unfavorable state, and they are potential conflicts of interest.

Conflict arises between nurses and the families due to the type of health care received to the family’s patient. There is still a thought that traditional medication still exists in some families, but that has dramatically influenced how nurses’ beliefs about western medicine (Duque, 2020). Most families tend to disagree with nurses that offer poor care to their patient. In this scenario, families are keen and mock the nurses they think their patient is not attended to. Often, they visit their patient even at the wrong time, which causes a conflict between the nurses and the families.

Parents ought to take part in the care of their children’s education. In this situation, a barrier exists where some of them tend to ignore their role. According to the study, parentages are not involved sufficient in their kid’s schooling to care for their students’ rights. The standard case is that they should attend a protest, join school functions and events to organize the child’s education (Uhm et al. 2020). The parents’ letdown not taking their responsibilities creates an instance where their kids develop negativity and drop confidence in their parents. Thus, the relationship is ruined, and conflict arises among parents and children in the family.

A conflict comes about due to payment required that the nurses may charge from the family’s patient. Many nurses charge a high price to exploit the families concerning the length of stay in the hospital rooms and the patient’s necessary medication. Nurses fail to recognize what families perceive as a need in their patient recovery. So charging high payment can be a way of creating disputes among the patient’s family members. There is also a need to develop an excellent working atmosphere conducive to the lives of the patient. The purpose of this is to avoid conflict of interest amongst the family effective relationship with the nurses.


Duque-Ortiz, C., & Arias-Valencia, M. M. (2020). Nurse-family relationship. Beyond the opening of doors and schedules. Enfermera Intensiva (English ed.).

Uhm, J. Y., Choi, M. Y., & Lee, H. (2020). School nurses’ perceptions regarding barriers and facilitators in caring for children with chronic diseases in school settings: A mixed studies review. Nursing & Health Sciences.