REPORT (25 points) Format: single spaced; Times New Roman; 12 pt; 1” margins Turnitin similarity score needs to be less than 20%. If above this threshold, 10 points will be deducted. • – Briefly

REPORT (25 points) Format: single spaced; Times New Roman; 12 pt; 1” margins Turnitin similarity score needs to be less than 20%. If above this threshold, 10 points will be deducted. • – Briefly summarize the CDC report • – Background on the microorganism(s) of interest in the report, • Examples of what to include: o Brief historical background of the organism and its pathogenicity o Is it contagious? If so how? o Biosafety level o Additional examples of the genera o Where is it commonly found o How is it identified/ diagnosed? o Stain, biochemical testing o How are the results interpreted? o Morphologies/ arrangements o Treatment o Future Concern? o Is there epidemic or pandemic concern? Why or why not (what is the R0 value?)  

All citations should be from reputable sources and primary scientific literature. Properly formatted in-text citations and reference list  
