Requesting help to write a reflection paper

Final Reflective Clinical Reflection Journal Questions

Journal must be typed and be in APA format. 

3 pages in length  (not including the title page), 

double-spaced with margins at 1, be in Times New Roman font size 12, and include a title page, title, page number, running head, and headers.  

Utilize the below questions for the clinical reflection journal assignment 

Section 1: Clinical Experiences

1. Discuss some of the most memorable experiences of the semester- taking care of patients and the learning 

2.Talk about the firsts (first bed bath, first IM/SQ, the first patient of the opposite gender, etc.)-first foley catheter insertion 

3.Describe the anxieties you had coming into the semester and how you have overcome them.

4.Talk about your concerns you still might have.

 Section 2: Impressions of Being a Student Nurse

1.Give a synopsis of your impressions from day one until now.

2.Discuss your progression, growth, and maturity as a junior one student.

Section 3: Strengths and Weaknesses

 1.Discuss the areas you wish to improve.

2.Talk about areas in which you have excelled, things of which you are proud.

Section 4: Ethical Issues or Concerns

1. Talk about anything that you observed that made you uncomfortable. (i.e. breaks in sterile technique, patients privacy or dignity not considered, etc.)— nurses not practicing enough hand hygiene

2.How has that made you think about your role as a nurse?

Section 5: Overall Summary

What will you take from this experience into next semester (junior two)?

At least two references from a peer-reviewed nursing journal (no older than 5 years) is a requirement for this journal.