requirements of a contract



Use web resources as needed determine the legal meaning of: 

  • Direct damages
  • Consequential (or indirect) damages
  • Liability Limitation
  • Indemnification
  • Warranty/Guaranty


1. List the four professional requirements of a contract.

2. Does the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Services Agreement and Exhibit “B” (All Documents) provide the four professional requirements of a contract?
Specify the section where for each professional requirement is located.

3. For each of the following documents (RFPs, contracts, agreements, etc.) briefly describe what the contractor/design firm is to provide to the client (scope of services), when they are to provide it (project schedule), and how much the client is to pay the contractor/design firm (Fee/Cost), and if the client has stated a budget for the project.  If one of these items is missing simply say so. Reference the section of the document(s) that you found the information for your answer.

Los Angeles Air Force Base Environmental Assessment

  • Scope of Services: 
  • Schedule: 
  • Contract Fee:
  • Project Budget:

Bellevue Youth Center Expansion (All documents)

  • Scope of Services: 
  • Schedule: 
  • Contract Fee:
  • Project Budget:

City  of El Monte Professional Services Agreement / Lambert Park Phase 2 RFP

  • Scope of Services: 
  • Schedule: 
  • Contract Fee:
  • Project Budget:

4. For the Bellevue Youth Center Expansion, and the Excerpts from a typical construction contract, how would you characterize these documents?
a Professional Services Contract,  a design contract, a construction contract, or a a combination of the two?
State relevant information from the documents to support your answer.

5. State the Ordinary Professional Standard of Care

6. Define the following legal terms and then give one example of your own for each definition. 

  • Direct damages
  • Consequential (or indirect) damages
  • Indemnification
  • Warranty
  • Guaranty
  • Negligence