RES 1.2

  : Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods: Building a knowledge base. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. 

After reviewing Standard 8: Research and Publication of the APA Ethics Code, select three of the substandards and discuss their importance with respect to research activities. The fifteen substandards include:

8.1 Institutional Approval
8.2 Informed Consent to Research
8.3 Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in Research
8.4 Client/Patient, Student, and Subordinate Research Participants
8.5 Dispensing with Informed Consent for Research
8.6 Offering Inducements for Research Participation
8.7 Deception in Research
8.8 Debriefing
8.9 Humane Care and Use of Animals in Research
8.10 Reporting Research Results
8.11 Plagiarism
8.12 Publication Credit
8.13 Duplicate Publication of Data
8.14 Sharing Research Data for Verification
8.15 Reviewers

Consider a proposed research study that interests you and discuss how these standards would apply during the research process, including how you might ensure the protection of human subjects in a study on your topic.