
Recommendation for an Evidence-Based Practice Change PowerPoint Presentation

Translating knowledge into practice establishes evidence-based practice (EBP) within the nursing profession. Nurse practitioners participate in the dissemination of research evidence to support the creation of practice interventions. The purpose of this assignment is to prepare students to disseminate evidence to support practice. Students will synthesize the information they have gathered during the course to formulate a presentation advocating for a practice change in relation to an area of interest to NP practice.

Create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages discussing the PICOT question, literature review, and recommendations for change.

In patients with congestive heart failure (P) what is the effect of patient education (I) in comparison to no intervention at all (C) on decreasing exacerbation of CHF symptoms (O) to be completed over six months (T)?

Elements of the PICOT question
– P-Population and problem: The target population for the research includes patients with congestive heart failure. This population is at a greater risk of poor health outcomes if CHF is poorly managed.
– I-Intervention: The planned intervention to address this issue is patient education focusing on dietary requirements. Patient education has been indicated to be effective in enhancing the adoption lifestyle activities.
– C-Comparison: The second solution for the problem is no intervention at all.
– O-Outcome: The outcome that will indicate the success of the proposed intervention is the prevention of exacerbation of CHF symptoms. The outcome will be measured by assessing CHF symptoms before and after the interventions.
– T-Timeframe: The timeframe for this research initiative is six months.

*Synthesize the information you have gathered to formulate a presentation advocating for a practice change in relation to an area of interest to NP practice (NON-COMPLIANCE OF DIET FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE). *

2. INTRODUCTION (1 slide): Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speakers notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered.
3. PRACTICE ISSUE (1 slide): Describe the area of interest and practice issue/problem related to NP practice. Explain why the issue/concern is important to nurse practitioner practice and its impact on health outcomes. Provide speaker notes. Provide scholarly references to support your ideas.
4. PICOT QUESTION (1 slide): Provide the PICOT question. Describe each element of your PICOT question in one or two sentences, being sure to address all the following:
a.    P-Population and problem What is the nursing practice concern or problem and whom does it affect?
b.    IIntervention What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
c.    CComparison What is another solution for the problem? Note that this is typically the current practice, no intervention at all, or alternative solutions.
d.    OOutcome Very specifically, how will you know that the intervention worked? Think about how you will measure the outcome.
e.    TTime frame What is the Timeframe involved for the EBP initiative or the target date of completion?
5. LITERATURE REVIEW (3 slides): Summarize the literature review youve completed (PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT). Discuss themes and special concerns. Discuss any unique insight or perspective offered from the literature. Provide speaker notes. Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which support the assertions presented.
6.  RECOMMENDATIONS (3 slides):
a.    Slide 1: Identify the evidence-based recommendation for the identified practice change. Speakers notes should fully explain the recommended change and rationale for the change. Provide support from scholarly references to support the recommendation.
b.    Slide 2: Identify the key stakeholders impacted by the recommended change. Speakers notes add detail.
c.    Slide 3: Analyze the recommendation in terms of FIT, FEASIBILITY, and APPROPRIATENESS as discussed by Dang and Dearholt (2018), ch. 8. Speakers notes add detail. *Note: information regarding stakeholders, fit, feasibility, and appropriateness may be based on personal experience or on information you found in your research. If the identified factors come from the literature, provide reference citations to support your ideas.
7.  CONCLUSION: (1 slide) Slide provides summary points of presentation. Speakers notes provide final comments on the topic.
8. REFERENCES: Reference elements provided in APA 7 format, may use bullets. Hanging indents not required.

Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. (2018). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model & Guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau International.

*Scholarly source: U.S. based peer reviewed journals geared for clinicians (MD/DO/NP/PA) published in the past five years of the latest edition of a clinical practice guideline.
All scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles must be current – within a 5-year time frame
Use APA 7 formatting for references