
Using all learning available this session including biblical and extra-biblical resources and your own research, write a quality 78-page paper on a topic of your choice dealing with global governance. Include the following components for a successful paper:

The paper must not be on a subject written for any other course or in a Discussion Board Forum or Essay for this course.

The topic should be narrow enough to write a short paper, yet detailed enough to be coherent and clear. The Instructor will help you narrow your paper.

Introduction explaining where the paper is going and a Conclusionsaying where it has gone is included. Do not introduce new information at the end of a paper. 

Strong paragraph lead sentences with a definite theme followed by paragraph sentences that elaborate on the theme must be included. Sentences that do not elaborate on the lead sentence should be dumped or moved to a new paragraph.

There must be maxed of 2short quotes and low Safe Assign scores under 25%.

Components of Christian Worldview reflection on the topic must be integrated with the subject matter and flow of the paper. The reflection must be more substantive than the use of random Bible verses, appropriate as these may be at times. 

The paper must be in current Turabian style with default margins,12-pt Times New Roman font, and submitted in an MS Word document. The paper must include a title page and reference page, also in current Turabian format. You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate scholarly sources to fully support your assertions and conclusions (which will likely require more than the minimum number of citations). The paper must contain at least 57 scholarly sources original to this paper and not including the course textbook.