Research article review

1)  Make sure you support your observations and analyses with evidence directly from the article; for example, you may use a direct quote or a paraphrase to support your observation. Make sure to cite these in correct APA format. Refer to the Article Review Rubric for your assessment criteria. 

2) The article should answer these topics (  What is the purpose of this article? What is your evidence for suggesting this is the purpose? If it is not overtly stated, then what do you think the authors purpose was?nList 2 -3 articles representing some of prior research on which this study is based (Hint: see the lit review.)nWhat are some of the key points or findings this article presents? What is the significance of the study? (Significance is what the article contributes as a whole to the body of knowledge about this topic.) Describe very briefly the methods the author(s) used to conduct this study. Methods or methodology means the type of research, the techniques and assessment, or instruments used in the study. How was the actual (primary) research carried out? Do the authors present recommendations for future research and studies that build on the topics addressed in this article? What does the author do well in this article? What problems do you see with the article (problem definition, data collection, literature, conclusions)? (Be brief.))

3) As a research paper, you must follow the APA 7th Edition formatting and the appropriate levels of heading and the paper is in narrative format – do not just list the questions as we did in class as that will not be accepted and will be graded as a zero. 

4)  Also, dont forget to use the Article Review Rubric it provides the essential Levels of Heading you should use for your paper. [e.g. Purpose, Prior Research, Significance, Key Points, Problems with the article/study, Future Research].