Research-based Marketing Plan Initial Proposal – Product Development for: Biodegradable Plastic Bags

  1. Construct a proposal to JGJ Inc. of 500-600 words (+/- 50 words) using at least 4 credible and objective sources not provided as resources in the course in your analysis, plus at least one source provided in the course reading list.
  2. Use the titles in the to provide structure for the following four elements in your consultants report:
    1. Product Development
      1. Key differentiating characteristics of the offering
      2. Analysis of demand in the market

Detailed Requirements:

  1. Product Development
    1. Fully describe the offering that fits the positioning from the prior proposal. You need to state the specifications, characteristics, and/or features of the offering which will differentiate it from other competitors. You should focus on what your product is, not what the competitive offerings are because that was covered in the prior section.
    2. Remember that these weekly sections form one larger consultants report. Each section must be internally consistent with other sections of the paper regarding where and how your proposed offering fits the identified opening in the market. If you find that your prior positioning was incorrect or not suitable, you are allowed 100 additional words in this section of the report as an introduction to state what is being changed and why it was changed
    3. Do not describe the product development process except as you describe the product. This means there is no introduction to or discussion of the theory of the product development process. You are writing a report to executives who understand the process so it does not need to be discussed. Your consultants report immediately discusses the proposed product and why it is being offered as designed. You should briefly discuss how the offering will be finalized if you believe your initial idea is not final.

Cite the work per current APA standards.

I am attaching the template to be followed and this work is the continuation of the other work and you can find the initial work attached under the file name “TopicForMarketingAnalysisReport” in which I covered ” Positioning and Differentiation

As part of this work we have to write the “product development” section for the topic: Biodegradable plastic bags