This is a concrete construction class:
Select a research topic from the list below and prepare a written/graphic report. Some topics seem to be more of the written type, others graphic…..but for the most part, the projects can be a combination of graphics with a written outline support. A long written report that no one reads is not better that a well organized outline that contains important bullet points, diagrams (if applicable) and adequate references. Choose & present the most important data, and reference it!!!!!!
8 1/2″ x 11″ format (horizontal or vertical orientation -horizontal preferred.)3 References (Cited appropriately) -While I recognize that the internet has become an important research source, it is not all inclusive.
A combination of both internet and “hard” (non-electronic) sources is required for this project -three minimum references with at least one from either the internet or “hard” (non-electronic) source.
The topics are below choose one:
1. Portland Cement
2. American Concrete
3. Tilt-Up Concrete
4. Quality control (general)