In this paper, you will demonstrate your ability to apply organizational change concepts to real-world situations in an organization or organizations with which you are familiar.
- You will choose four (4) topics from the selection offered in the table below.
- Each of these topics represents an interventionor planned organizational change process.
- References to concepts from your textbook and outside research in the online library academic scholarly databases are expected.
- Title page Follow standard format for the MBA program.
- Format per APA manual
- Double-spaced
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 point
- Margins: per APA
- Page numbers: upper right corner
- Length Your analyses should be a minimum of eight (8) pages in length; this equates to approximately two (2) pages per each of four (4) topics.
- Terminology and Concepts Demonstrate mastery of course objectives by:
- Using and defining organizational change terminology.
- Making frequent references to and explaining course concepts.
- Examples Support generalizations with specific examples from the organizational situation you are addressing. Present pictures of organizational behavior; include what actions were taken/are to be taken, by whom, where, and when.
- Other Sources Library research is required for the following topics: Coaching, Workforce Diversity, and Employee Wellness/Stress. Students are encouraged to conduct brief research on other topics. You may also want to reference textbooks from, for example, Contemporary Management, Organizational Behavior, and/or other Leadership Concentration courses. Include a Reference page and cite your sources per APA.
- Citation- Please cite and use references per APA 6th Edition. Use the Student Resources Link to obtain helpful materials. Use the Writing Center and GROWS. A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed references from the online library are required.
Submission of Assignment and Evaluation Please submit this paper as a Word attachment in the digital Dropbox by 11:59 on the indicated Saturday.
- Review paper grading rubric and expectations.
- Twenty percent (20%) of your grade is based on the quality of your writing and eighty percent (80%) is based on the quality of content.
- You will receive a grade and feedback within 72 hours from the due date and time.
TopicsChoose four (4) of the topics indicated in the Topic column of the table available at your Week 8 link in the Blackboard classroom.
- The headings and subheadings in the Content of your Analysis column of the table generally reflect the contents of material in the indicated chapter in your text.
- For most interventions, the textbook includes an introduction on the interventions importance, discussion of Application Stages, and a section on results.
- To ensure full credit for what you write, include the boldface headings and underlined subheadings that are located in the Content of your Analysis column.
- Avoid identifying organizations/employees by name. Use pseudonyms.
Note: If you do not have adequate organizational experience to respond to four of the indicated topics, imagine yourself in a troubled organization. Describe possible needs for improvement and design interventions to address these needs. Feel free to contact your professor for coaching on this alternative.