Research Paper

In your Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 paper,

  • Create complete APA reference entries for three articles that report on qualitative research studies that address your research topics (Leadership Engagement & Employee Job Satisfaction). Consider accessing the Writing Centers for more on completing a complete reference entry.
  • Critique each research study, identifying the research question or questions, the qualitative research methodology used in the study, the sample for each study, and evidence of any lack of consistency or bias in the way the study was conducted.
    • Analyze how the studies are similar in the way each study addressed the research topic and how they are dissimilar, noting which study was more compelling to you and why.
  • Evaluate the general concept of trustworthiness in qualitative research studies, as defined by Shenton (2004) and Polkinghorne (2005).
  • Review the strengths of each research study that align with Shentons criteria for trustworthiness (credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability).
  • Explain any unresolved questions about your topic of interest that were raised by the studies, and how further research on this topic would augment the findings of the studies you reviewed.

The Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 paper

  • Must be at least 1,200 words in length (not including title, abstract, and reference pages), and formatted according to the .
  • Must reference at least two scholarly sources (see ), in addition to any required readings cited.
  • Must include the three articles analyzed in the reference list.
  • Must include title, abstract, and reference pages.




Shenton, A. K. (2004). Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projects. Education for Information, 22(2), 63-75.

Thurlow, A., Mills, A. J., & Mills, J. H. (2006). Feminist qualitative research and workplace diversity, 217-236.