research paper on communication differences of males and females

1. Make sure it has met the mi

nimum page length requirement (5

FULL double

spaced pages) 

with no unnecessary spa

ces to help meet length.** The title page DOES NOT count toward your 

page length. Do not stop writing just because you reached the top of the sixth page, you will lose 

points for not meeting requirements.

2. Make sure it is free of grammatical errors and 

typos. I expect quality content from you all. 


read your paper! Or have a friend 

you trust proof

read it for you 

3. Points will be deducted if your paper is not in the correct format. You can look up the APA 

format online if you need to. I am mainly

looking for:


new roman font, 12

point font, 1

inch margins, cover/title page, running title header, in

text citations, reference page, page numbers at the top. You do NOT have to do an abstract. You 

do NOT need a method or results section. Pet peev

e: try to avoid using contractions (i.e., use 

cannot instead of can’t)

and avoid asking your reader questions. You should also




me, my, you, your, we, or our


4. Make sure you have at LEAST 


references from peer

reviewed journals, articles, and/or 

books. You can count your text

book as one source. Cite all of your references in text and in 

your reference page! The reference page

and title page do

NOT count in your overall

