Research Project 2 : Advertisement in Microeconomics

Research/Service Project Requirements If you select option 1, the total length of the research project is 8 pages of actual text and analysis, not including title or references pages. The project must have a title page and a references page and generally follow APA format. The idea with using APA format is to provide academic quality to your work. The project is to be in 12 point, double-spaced Times New Roman font. It is not necessary to use footnotes or endnotes; simply provide a citation in parentheses. Your project must have at least 6 sources not to include a textbook or an encyclopedia (including websites such as Wikipedia or Investopedia); at least 2 sources must be peer reviewed. Online resources are acceptable as long as they are scholarly in nature. The grade for option 1 will be based on the written project submitted. Your written project will follow the following structure: 1. Title page 2. Introduction (about 1 page). Introduce your topic and relate it to the course. 3. Literature Review (about 3-4 pages). What does the existing literature or research say about your research topic? What did you found out about your topic? 4. Application and Analysis (about 3-4 pages). What are your own thoughts, analysis, and experiences about your research topic? Use at least 10 economic key terms in this section. 5. Conclusion (about 1 page) 6. References