Researched Argumentative Essay – Final Submission

Now that you have created a thorough outline, you should continue to expand the outline into an essay format using proper APA style. Additionally, you will need to show competency in constructing a research-based argumentative piece of writing.  To meet that goal, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate critical thinking and critical analysis skills, including your use of a research based argumentation
  • Write between 1,000 – 1,200 words
    • No abstract is needed for your paper. However, an APA formatted cover page and reference list is required.
  • Effectively organize your essay. Write a clear introduction, thesis statement, multiple body paragraphs supporting the thesis statement, a paragraph that develops a counterpoint, and a clear conclusion.
  • Use at least four sources.
    • Using a source means quoting, paraphrasing, and/or summarizing it, including a citation each time it is being used.
    • Reference each source you use in your reference list.
    • You should use the following sources:
      • Three peer-reviewed academic journal sources from Keiser’s e-Library
      • At least one additional credible source, which may include the e-Library, or another reputable location
      • Additional sources are optional.
    • If fewer than four sources are used, 10% may be deducted from your grade for each missing source (i.e. using only two sources would result in a 20% loss of grade)
  • No block quotes should be included. 
  • Use 3rd person objective point of view only. Avoid 1st and 2nd person points of view.


  • You should use 7th edition APA (No abstract is needed for APA 7 student papers).
  • You should not use more than 20% of outside material. 
  • You should not sue visuals (i.e. images, charts, graphs, etc.). Use written material only.