Find a peer-reviewed academic publication/article** that speaks to your final paper topic, read it, and submit a summarized outline of it (you may not use an assigned reading for the course).  Your outline should be between 1-2 pages in length, and should contain the following elements:

A full bibliographic entry for the article (I don’t care which format you use)
What is the key research question the article is addressing?
What approaches does the article use to answer the question?  For example, remember the 3 methodological approaches from the first week lesson (technological determinism, institutional, geographic), or maybe it’s an empirical paper and uses statistics.  Is there a Marxist tone or a more mainstream one? Etc.
What evidence does the article use?
What does the paper conclude – what answer does it come up with?
How do you think this article will contribute to your final paper?
List any quotes from the paper that you think might be useful to have handy for when you write your final paper.
See rubric for more details on how assignment will be graded.

** A peer-reviewed academic publication is something that has citation information on Google Scholar or is available as an article through the Marriott Library webpage.  It is not something like an Atlantic or Blaze article, but a scholarly work that was only published after other scholars reviewed it.  That means it was published by an academic journal, like the Journal of Economic History or Review of Political Economy.