Respond agree or disagree to each student! Label student #

Student 1

5.Why should human resource strategy be consistent with both organizational strategy and functional strategy? 

– HR systems must align with the organizational strategy. Employees must be strategically focused. Every element of the HR function, from hiring, compensation, and training. When HR is strategic and involved with and/or linked to organizational performance, it plays an important role in the success of an organization. The greatest benefit of strategic human resource management is also its purpose: to improve organizational performance by integrating and aligning with business strategy. Strategic human resource management is definitely a competitive benefit.

Student 2

Question 5: Why should human resource strategy be consistent with both organizational strategy and functional strategy?

Human resource strategy should stem from organizational strategy. To be exact, HR strategy is supposed to be assisting the organization reach its strategy. As we all know HR is a liaison between management and staff. In addition, it’s HR’s job to influence employees’ attitudes and behaviors positively towards organization’s strategic plan. Therefore, human resource strategy should always be consistent with organizational strategy as well as functional strategy. Furthermore, understanding an organization’s strategy, can help human resource professionals to attract and retain the right talent at the right time. Moreover, as our textbook points out corporate strategy should drive human resource strategy. (Anthony, Kacmar, & Perrewe, 2010, p.16) Overall, it’s useful to align workforce strategies with business objectives. 

Student 3

1. What are the challenges faced by right when the downsizing effort no longer is a popular human resource strategy?

I think, that It did not work with organizations overall HR design. By making a change in the strategy Right will be able to develop a new targeted customer base, the staff will then need to be re-trained while introducing the new strategy. Re-establishing new strategies may prevent Right from incurring significant loss. 

2. What conflicts do you see between a company of this type and a firm’s human resources department? 

The conflict I see between the HR dept. and the Company is the hand-over of core competencies which are unique advantages possessed by the organization. Core competencies/strategy are essential to creating and maintaining client value which makes it extremely difficult and nearly impossible for an external company to create without input and buy-in from HR and leadership.  then the new structure will fail. Major change is often said to be impossible unless the head of the organization is an active supporter In successful transformations, the president, division general manager, or department head plus another five, fifteen, or fifty people with a commitment to improve performance pull together as a teamEfforts that lack a sufficiently powerful guiding coalition can make apparent progress for a while. But sooner or later, countervailing forces undermine the initiatives. Kotter, John P. pg., 6.

3. What do you recommend right do at this time to prepare for the future? 

Due to the constant growing and at times uncertain climate, Right must observe the changes in order to adjust the design and continue to grow. By doing so, Rights proprietary technology will allow them to be in a position to expand into emerging markets which will increase earnings.  


Kotter, John P., 2012 Leading Change 

Student 4.

1.  What are the challenges faced by Right when the downsizing effort no longer is a popular human resource strategy?

            I believe that Right has a wide variety of programs to offer clients that is not reliant on downsizing.  One solution is utilizing employees in another area of the company that will foster expansion as opposed to excessing them.  Incorporating successful employees in the companys growth will create more jobs, therefore eliminating the need to downsize.  Rights change management options will be particularly useful for the employees who are changing positions, departments, and or responsibilities.

 2.  What conflicts do you see between a company of this type and a firms human resources department?

            I believe one issue in utilizing a company like Right is employees do not feel they understand the firms culture and what will work for employees on a more personal level.  Also, since many of the tasks a company like Right is responsible for overlaps what an organizations HR department does, a us vs them mentality can be occur. 

 3.  What do you recommend Right do at this time to prepare for the future?

            In order to prepare for the future, I believe that Right should further diversify their program offerings.  Providing a large variety of options to organizations will attract more clients who can benefit from Rights services. 

Student 5

10. How might the labor market constrain the types of strategic decisions rendered by an organization? 

The labor market can greatly affect the decisions that organizations make and can vary by field to field. Organizations need to take globalization into account and how it is affecting their product and profits and then take a look at the workforce they currently have. They need to be aware of the kinds of people moving in and out of the workforce and try to forecast supply and demand in the labor market. So this means taking into consideration the kind of skills and education required to do the job and looking at the what incoming skills people have. You also have to look at the unemployment rate because when organizations have more people to choose from they may be pickier and choose to go in a different direction because the supply is high, such as choosing to hire someone new for less pay over training a long time employee. The state of the economy will help determine the supply and demand the labor market and then from there the organization will have to make due with what they have to make strategic decisions.

Beers, B. November 2, 2020, Job Market. Retrieved February 2nd from,

Student 6

10. How might the labor market constrain the types of strategic decisions rendered by an organization? 

– The labor market is something that an organization needs to pay close attention to. It effects a lot of what is done in a company. Strategic decisions are based off of the labor market. Its important for the company to pay attention to the trends that are occurring in the labor market. An example of this could be if the unemployment rates are high. This could benefit the organization because they would have a larger pool of job seekers. If the unemployment rates are high an organization needs to make strategic decisions such as benefit packages and pay.