The research study I have chosen is African American Older Adults Living with HIV: Exploring Stress, Stigma, and Engagement in HIV Care. The focus of this research study is to show how this condition has affected the African American population. It focuses on the stigmas that they have to go through living with this condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate and see why this condition is affecting the elders and most importantly African Ameircans. The group that participated in the study had 35 participants and they were all 50 to 69 years old. I plan to address the treatments that they all receive and if it’s the same treatment that the younger generations are receiving. I plan to also address if your gender also has to do with if you have a higher risk of getting HIV or not. I plan on focusing on whether there is a side effect from treatments that plays a role in infecting others with HIV or if it is even helping to cure them from this condition.