Respond to the reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the assigned readings (below) and films (Race: The Power of an Illusion and Ethnic Notions) to back up your responses: Require

Respond to the reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the assigned readings (below) and films (Race: The Power of an Illusion and Ethnic Notions) to back up your responses:

Required Readings

Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity. Chapter 4: Race Matters.

Optional Readings

Gender, race, and class in media (6th ed.). Media, Gender, and Feminism. The Whites of their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media. (AVAILABLE IN MODULES)

Reflection prompt 1: Q1: Before this class… What are some primary sources from your personal life have taught you about your race? Be specific. What situations, if any, do you avoid because of concerns related to your race? (75-100 words.)

Reflection prompt 2: 

Q2: If you watch prime-time television (if not consider a popular program or movie that you have recently watched or streamed that is not from this class), how do the programs that you like portray race and race relations? How accurately do you think they tend to portray racial groups?  Reference 1-2 pieces of evidence from the coursework/texts to back up your response. (75-100 words.) 

Reflection prompt 3:

Q3: What stood out to you the most from the films we watched this week (Race: The Power of an Illusion and Ethnic Notions)? Reference 1-2 pieces of evidence (time stamps required for references) to back up your response. (75-100 words.)