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One business concern that I would want to investigate further before creating my safe workplace policy would be the public relations aspect of it. During the time of the pandemic, there has always seemed to be some sort of debate or taking sides in what should be done. You can see this even more so now in regards to the vaccine and talk of vaccine mandates for everyone. Because this issue is not one that is agreed upon by everyone I would want my business to be very careful about how we publicize our “take” or opinion on vaccines for our employees. I would want to look at the kind of shareholders we have and what they think about the situation. This is a business concern that I would want to investigate because I would not want to offend or make waves with my shareholders as they might pull out their financial interests with the company and therefore we can lose out on funding and profitability.

After having read the first two chapters of the textbook, one legal concern that I would want to investigate further before creating my safe workplace policy would be employee discrimination in accordance with Title VII. One case that came to mind when thinking of this was McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green (Chapter 2-Case 4, 105,106) when debating the reasoning for employment rejection was a cover-up for racial discrimination. In relation to this topic, employees may be terminated for “other such reasons” but in actuality, it would be for their vaccination status. Another legal concern that comes to mind would be if an employee does opt-out of being vaccinated and continues to work for this company, the employer is to be held liable for the actions of their employees under what is called vicarious liability (Zylstra, Chapter 1, Introduction to Employee Regulation, minute 22:25).