
Many new technologies are becoming available within nursing care, such as home dialysis equipment or new infusion pumps that change the nursing staff’s daily routines. In addition, all kinds of technologies that support distant care, such as telecare technology, have consequences for nursing practice. Another development is the introduction of electronic information systems such as electronic patient records. Technologies are aimed at increasing the quality of care, reducing healthcare costs or solving workforce problems.

Health care facilities have become gradually dependent on information technology to computerize almost all aspects of patient care. In the United States, as of 2015, electronic health record (EHR) systems had been installed in 96% of hospitals. The use of EHR system in the healthcare can improve the implementation process and the outcomes of the evidence-based programs. The electronic health record system keeps all the records regarding the patient’s medical history as well as all the diagnosis. The EHR plays important role in the healthcare organization. And it should be implemented in the healthcare organization. Computers have become embedded in clinical workflow processes, and any disruptions to access the computer system were found to have severe consequences to hospital operations, finance, patient safety, providers, and especially the clinical staff. I do plan to use EHR the reason to implement an evidence-based downtime readiness and recovery plan was recognized early to ensure meaningful and enhanced management of computer systems and more importantly to guarantee safe patient care. As well as it helps to accurate, up-to-date, and complete information about patients, enabling quick access to patient records, and reducing costs through decreased paperwork, improved safety, reduced duplication of testing, and improved health.
