
(Alexandria)E-commerce is when a business uses the internet, web or apps on a mobile device to run their business. E-business is process done digitally through a firm. Sometimes E-commerce and e-business go hand in hand depending on the business. Once a formal transaction is done between a customer and the business, it is considered e-commerce. Etsy is an e-commerce business site where small business owners can place their items for sale on Etsy, and buyer can pay for their items. is one of the “top 25 e-businesses according to an extensive survey conducted by Bain & Company”. allows people to play bingo for points that they can turn in for prizes.


Business-to-consumer e-commerce is when a business uses the internet, web or mobile phone apps to reach their buyers. An example of this would be Hopper. They have a mobile app that consumers can use to find flights, hotels and car rentals for the cheapest price. You can input where you want to travel and it will tell you the best time of the year to go for the cheapest prices. They also send out specials for cheaper prices.

Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce is when a consumer wants to sell their items to other consumers. A good example for this is eBay. People can sell their items on Ebay by setting up a bid or just putting a set price on their items. They can then ship their items to you.

Social e-commerce would be when someone wants to sell their items to other people using a social network. A good example of this would be Facebook and it is probably one of the largest social e-commerce business. People can use Facebook marketplace to buy other consumers items and even small business use Facebook to sell their items.


The eight major e-commerce technologies are: ubiquity, global reach, universal standards, social technology, personalization customization, information density, interactivity, and richness. Ubiquity is unique because e-commerce is available to anyone for anywhere. It gives people the opportunity to buy things on the go. Global Reach gives people from all over the world the opportunity to use e-commerce technology. There are tons of users world-wide that use e-commerce. E-commerce businesses have the opportunity to use richness because they can change their messages based of the consumers/customers of the technology they use. This gives them the opportunity to word things differently towards their customers and have a higher selling power.


Reference Acknowledged by Bain & Company and The Globe and Mail As A Top eBusiness; Included Among Bain & Company’s E25: Hottest dot-com Innovations. (2000, June 23). Business Wire, 2086.

Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2021). E-Commerce 2021: Business, Technology, and Society (16th Edition). Pearson Education (US).