
(Alexandria)Packet switching, the TCP/IP, and client-server computing make up the three internet foundational technologies. Packet switching is when a digital messages gets split into packets and then sent over different pathways. TCP/IP stands from transmission control protocol/internet protocol and is broken down into multiple layers. TCP/IP is the protocol for the messages being sent between computers. It makes sure that the packets being sent are being sent correctly and in the right order. Packets are sent from the sender computer, through routers, and then delivered to the recipient computer. Client-server computing is when a client computer is able to reach many servers (Laudon & Traver, 2021). When a packet is being sent from a client computer to a server computer and it reaches a router that is unsecure, it can be redirected to another router. Packets can still be sent through a different path to land with the correct end recipient computer if it hits “roadblocks” along the way (Bu et al., 2020).


  1. Search engines can help online companies to receive more business by advertising or using keywords on their websites. By setting up keywords on your website, you can save money in future advertising. Google Ads Grant allows companies to sign up for their grant program and their ads will be the first ones shown on Google’s search engine (Cormicle and Smiley, 2020). Another service is online social networks which are websites like LinkedIn or Facebook. Social networks also allow for e-commerce businesses to advertise on their websites. Facebook even has a marketplace that give individual consumers or businesses the opportunity to sell their items. This gives e-commerce businesses the opportunity to sell their items at no cost for the business (Bekiaris, 2019).



Bekiaris, M. (2019). Get rid of unwanted items. Money (Australia Edition)221, 56–57.

Cormicle Knox, S., & Smiley, T. M. (2020). Google Us! Capital Area District Libraries Gets Noticed with Google Ads Grant. Information Technology & Libraries39(1), 1–5.

KAI BU, AVERY LAIRD, YUTIAN YANG, LINFENG CHENG, JIAQING LUO, YINGJIU LI, & KUI REN. (2020). Unveiling the Mystery of Internet Packet Forwarding: A Survey of Network Path Validation. ACM Computing Surveys53(5), 104–137.

Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2021). E-Commerce 2021: Business, Technology, and Society (16th Edition). Pearson Education (US).