
(Diquan)Analog Transmission of Digital Data

Before describing the analog transmission of digital data there are a few terms that we should be familiar with, modem, encoding and carrier wave. A modem is modulator, demodulator device that converts digital to analog and analog to digital. Encoding is the conversion of data to a format required and in this case the conversion of digital data to analog data. Carrier wave is a basic wave of constant frequency transmitted through a circuit.

To transmit digital data in an analog format first you must be connected to a modem which encodes the data and converts the digital data into analog data. It does this by populating the analog signal with a carrier wave and modulating the characteristics of the carrier wave which allows for the analog data to be encoded to digital data and digital data to be decoded to analog.

Digital Transmission of Analog Data

An example of the digital transmission of analog data would be Voice over IP (VOIP) or a more modern and relatable example would be a Zoom meeting. This is done through a couple different technologies a Codec and Pulse-code modulation (PCM). Codec stands for Code, Decode and it is a device or software that converts analog signal into digital form and vice versa. PCM on the other hand converts analog to digital by sampling the analog signal at regular intervals, measuring the amplitude of each sample, and then encoding or quantizing the amplitude as binary data. Through this sampling analog data such as your voice is encoded into digital data via the technologies previously mentioned.


Samoilenko, S. (n.d.). Physical Layer: Data and Data Transmission.