response paper

Response Paper #1: The Artificial Silk Girl (Chapter One)!!!
No outside information JUST BOOK!!!!

Prompt: Early on in Keuns The Artificial Silk Girl, Doris explains that one of her motivations for writing this text is to write like its a movie (3). What does it mean to write like a movie, and how does the rest of Chapter One illustrate (or not) this style of writing? Remember to use specific examples and direct quotes from the assigned reading for this week to support your answer.

Goals for this assignment:
thesis statement clearly responds to a potential interpretive disagreement about the text
response responds directly to the question posed in the prompt
response uses evidence from the text, including direct quotes
response is analytical and avoids summary

Complete drafts (500 words) should be submitted to your Workshop Group’s folder before class on Thursday. Please keep all files in Google Doc format (not Word or PDF).

Please do not borrow the language of the prompt in your response. All language should be your own.

A successful (B+/A range) Response Paper #1:
Responds directly to the questions posed in the prompt and remains on topic throughout.
Relies only on the assigned text for evidence (no outside sources!).
Contains a clear, arguable, and interpretive thesis statement.
Has been work-shopped in your Workshop Group.
Shows evidence of careful proofreading.
Meets the length requirement (500 words).