Response To a student post

According to article “Insecure: Policing Under Racial Capitalism” by Robin D.G. Kelley and the article “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police” by Mariame Kaba, the police are no longer an attribute of safety and security. The facts that are given in the articles are similar within the meaning of the content. The police do not serve for the benefit of the whole community. Racial and class division according to social status became the basis of lawlessness and injustice on the part of the police. Kaaba in his article cites several stories confirming the racial hatred that led to the murder of African Americans. After that, people massively took to the streets of many cities in several countries, demanding an end to racial discrimination and the murder of African Americans. Kelley’s article describes numerous manifestos where demands for police abolition have been raised, but all have been rejected. In the protests, people suggested that they themselves would take care of each other, which the police could not do. I understand that the police system is far from ideal and the permissiveness of police representatives should be limited.  Ruth Wilson Gilmore says that “capitalism is never racial.”  I think that  this phrase she wants to say that the stronger people take away from the weak people and use them for their own well-being.  And since the roots of history go back to slavery, then African Americans are the weak link.  In this regard, a huge number of prisons and police power appeared.  The common and small class do not feel protected, on the contrary; they expect a threat from people who must protect them. The police take an oath to respect and protect human and civil rights and freedoms, regardless of skin color and social status.  If this does not happen, then you need to change the system.