Review the Case Study: East Chestnut Regional Health System document. Assume you are the Marketing Manager for East Chestnut Regional Health. Upper management has requested you prepare a Current Si

Review the Case Study: East Chestnut Regional Health System document. 

Assume you are the Marketing Manager for East Chestnut Regional Health. Upper management has requested you prepare a Current Situation/SWOT Analysis summary for them. 

Conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis on the organization, using the SWOT Analysis Worksheet for your analysis. 

Consider the following in your analysis: 

  • Current internal product and service strengths and weaknesses
  • Current competition
  • Current or potential opportunities that exist in the external environment and their impact on the organization
  • Current or potential threats in the external environment and their impact on the organization

Prepare a 500-word Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Summary of your analysis in which you answer the question, “Where are we now as an organization?” 

Include the following in your Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Summary: 

  • 3 key strengths of the organization on which it can build
  • 3 key weaknesses of the organization on which it can improve
  • 3 key opportunities the organization could address in the marketplace to expand its offerings or improve its profitability
  • 3 key threats the organization faces from the external environment
  • How the organization can build on its strengths to address its weaknesses and threats
  • How the organization can build on its strengths to take advantage of market opportunities

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency sites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).