Review the essay topic carefully and answer the topic as presented. Social Media Social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs) have changed the tight control of media by elites. Research on

Review the essay topic carefully and answer the topic as presented.

Social Media

Social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs) have changed the tight control of media by elites. Research one social or political issue and write an essay on what influences social media has had on the situation, event, place, issue or elite person or organization.

ZOOMSOCI 4324 – Grade Rubric – EssayEssay must be submitted by the due date (see Calendar) into the Essay Submission drop box. Do not email essays. Late assignments are not accepted.200 points Essay topic answered completely and all aspects of the topic addressed thoroughly. 8 – 10 pages, excluding title page and references page. Essay is written in your own words (no more than 20% matching quotes) for this course. UTPB scholastic dishonesty In-text citations for 6 or more current (2006-2016) references.150 pointsScholarly references less than 10 years old: 4 sociological journal references (from approved journals listed) 2 sources of your choice (still must be scholarly) such as book or website.10 pointsTitle page has all required elements and formatting: Your Name My Name Course Name & Number (Political Sociology: SOCI4324.793) Term (Fall 2016) Institution: UTPB Essay topic: example – Module 2: Institutional Power40 pointsFollows ASA format in all aspects, including:  1” margins, 12’ Times New Roman font. double spaced (and “0” before/after spacing), proper in-text citations and reference formatting.