
I need a paper revised by Sunday and here some the comments from instructor. I uploaded the paper, please read comments and paper carefully before you respond to write the paper.

  – You earned a grade of C on the final paper (75%). This paper has a good foundation, but there are several areas needing more detail and explanation. Please review my feedback below.

You have the right start for this assignment because you work through how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. I’d like to have seen you spend more time making the connection between theory and solution. In order to do this, you have to think about if you looked at the problem from more than one perspective. This is so important because you need to fully understand the problem that you’re trying to solve. What I mean, Paula, is that you need to ask yourself, “Is my definition of the problem the only way to think about it?” How you define the problem can, and often will, lead to dramatically different solutions. You’ve got to feel confident that you’re solving the right problem, otherwise you could end up with a solution for a problem that you didn’t need to solve. Providing examples would have supported your solution.

In terms of EI, social skills and decision making, you want to talk about how you would connect all three areas. This means as you prepare to answer this part of the assignment you need to think about the issue and ask yourself questions like “What do I already know about this problem?,” “What do I need to find out more about to really understand the problem?,” “What assumptions am I making about the problem?,” and “What does an effective solution to this problem look like?” Analyzing the problem isn’t about finding answers . . . it’s really all about asking good questions. You did this fairly well, but I needed to see a more detailed discussion around learning making solid connections between EI and management skills. The application of research to help you understand the concepts was lacking.

Now, the part of the paper where you really need to brainstorm is generating strategies to develop team dynamics. Here I’d like to have seen you describe the core attributes of an effective team and strategies for team development. This is where you’ve got to get out a handful of alternatives, including those you’d never thought of before, and even those you think might be far-fetched, in order to position yourself to do a meaningful evaluation of those options. Generating options, and just having options to choose from, is what helps you avoid bad (though perhaps initially appealing) solutions to a problem. This is the thought process you should go through before giving me your solution. The benefits to the organization is unclear.

When you develop a program you must evaluate options, you need to make sure to fully explore the pros and cons of those options. We are inclined to see only the positive aspects of the solution we instinctively want to choose, so we’ve got to force ourselves to look at the potential downside. It’s the punch that you don’t see coming that knocks you out, and the same is true of the potential downside of an option that we overlook or just ignore. In this section, you needed to provide more explanation of the reward system you chose along with why your system would motivate employees and why. Supporting details are given but could be expanded to describe how behavior would be influenced. Also, the application of research is minimal.

Your paper lack the reference minimum/quality 

writing rubric uploaded also