ASSESSMENT 1: Case Analysis
TYPE: Individual
DUE: Week 4, Sunday (midnight, Darwin Time)
WORD COUNT: 2500 words (excluding Table of Contents, References and Appendices) MARKS: 35%


Identify a local business in Darwin (could be retail, food, service, etc), understand its profile and do a SWOT analysis. Provide recommendations to out perform any competitors in the local market.

Structure of the Assignment:

Table of Contents (not included in the word count)

  1. Profile of the selected local business in Darwin.
  2. Information and background details about competitors in the market.
  3. Organisation structure and presence in Darwin.
  4. SWOT Analysis
  5. Recommendations to perform better than the competitors
  6. Conclusion.

References (not included in the word count 20 references required, in Harvard referencing style.

Any research conducted have to fall between 2015-2020 only for this assignment as the website being used for research need to be current.

Please review the rubric to clearly understand the marks distribution and weight.