Saint PRM516 Great Pyramid Business Case

Great Pyramid Business CaseAs a member of the Great Pyramid Project Initiation Group you are required to develop a business case and project approach for the Great Pyramid Project.Click here to download the guidelines for this assignment then click on the icon below to download the template.PRM 516 –Project Process Groups and Project/Product Life CyclesGreat Pyramid of Giza Business Case GuidelinesExecutive Summary –• A short summary of the main points of the Business Case• Typically the summary is written last to summarize all the points made in the caseProject Drivers (underlying issues problems opportunities or mandates) – ? This section should answer the question: “What circumstances identified the need for a project?”Underlying causes – • It should describe the issue problem or mandate; not how it will be addressed§ Use of tools can be used (as appropriate) to help identify the underlying causes§ Examples include:- Fishbone diagram- Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats(SWOT) analysis- Force Field analysisGoal –This section should describe:• The anticipated goals or outcomes that will be achieved if the project or initiative is implemented• The end state when the project is completedOptions/Alternatives for Achieving the Goal –? Possible alternatives options or designs the organization could use to achieve the stated goalCriteria for Selecting the Option/Alternative ? Factors that will be used to evaluate the alternatives to satisfy the goal§ Multiple Criteria Factor Ratings – Factors include but are not limited to: cost schedule technical political policy past performance SMEs subjective or objective judgment etc.§ These factors may be weighted based upon their importance or those mandated by law regulation policy or practiceAnalysis of the Options/Alternatives for Achieving the Goal• Options can be compared using the Multiple Factor Rating criteria from item 6 above• Other methods for comparing options include (if applicable):§ Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Payback Period etc. § Advantages and disadvantages of each alternative§ Multiple Criteria Factor Ratings – mentioned above and other team based analysis methods such as nominal group techniques§ Pareto Priority Index (PPI) analysis § Multiple-stage decision trees 1Recommendation of the Option/Alternative–• This section should identify the option/alternative recommended based upon completing the analysis conducted as identified in 7 above• It identifies the alternative used to move forward with the project• Section 8 is sometimes combined with section 9 below; it depends on the organizationJustification and Conclusion• This section justifies why the option/alternative was selected• This section typically includes the justification for implementing the project based upon the aforementioned analysis§ Quantifiable support where applicable should be provided to support the recommended option/alternative• Impact statement – identifying the impact for implementing and not implementing the project with the recommended option/alternative• Project Approach (added requirement by the PM)§ Identify the appropriate Project Approach based upon the Business Case Above and as per the PMBOK Guide 2.4.2.Project Phases (pp 41-46).