sales pitch report

Students will deliver a compelling sales pitch for a product or service. Students must justify its effectiveness according to key indicators of the market and apply theories learned in class.
Communication in the business setting is persuasive in nature. You are constantly selling yourself, your ideas, or products and services to customers. The goal of this assignment is to help you develop the skills necessary to prepare and deliver a compelling sales pitch. To achieve this goal, you are required to pitch a product or a service of your choice. The goal is to persuade your audience to buy your idea.
Keep in mind that the pitch must be supported by solid analysis. Elements to address by your pitch and grading distribution:
1. Attract the attention of the customer (15%)
You need to build a solid opening statement or headline.
2. Identify the customers problem (10%)
Clearly identify the complex set of needs and problems that the product/service can solve
3. Build Interest for the customer (10%)
You must be able to establish a relationship with the customer. Demonstrate clearly that your
product/service has the solution to the problem 4. Give a Testimony (15%)
Introduce benefits for the audience by showing how other customers have received the product/service.
5. Validate the possible objections (15%)
Accept the underlying concerns that the customers have about your product/service.
6. Create desire (15%)
Help the customer come to a decision about your product/service. 7. Move the customer to action (20%)
7. Move the customer to action (20%)