Scenario question


MO Manipulations

Directions: for each of the following scenarios, state at least one specific way you could manipulate the relevant motivating operation to reduce or prevent the stated target behavior from occurring. For each answer, explain how your MO manipulation would result in the target behavior occurring less frequently.

1. A student consistently throws his work maters during class. The behavior is maintained by escape from the classroom.

2. A hospital patient engages in aggression toward other patients. This behavior is maintained by escape from the presence of the other patients.

3. A different hospital patient also engages in aggression toward other patients. This behavior is maintained by escape from aversive physical demands (e.g., cleaning up her room, putting materials away).

4. A young child cries in a restaurant when her parents are out with friends. The crying is maintained by access to her most preferred food (which the restaurant doesnt sell).

5. A client spins around rapidly in circles, maintained by access to the physical sensation of spinning.

6. A client hand-flaps during academic activities, maintained by the physical sensation of hand-flapping.