Scholarly Writing & Styles

Scholarly writing is objective, addresses key stakeholders, clearly states a problem(s), provides the significance of the stated problem(s), and is logical and organized. The aim of scholarly writing is to make an argument that is supported with evidence. The peer-reviewed journals you have found in your library searches for literature are examples of scholarly writing. To be an effective change agent and a leader in the field of education, it is crucial that you have well developed scholarly writing abilities.

As you have explored your selected case studys documents, you have read a variety of types of writing that differ from scholarly writing. For example, you may have read blog posts, letters to the editor, newspaper articles, and government reports.

Reflect on the different types of writing used in the resources that you identified in the Looking Ahead at the end of Assignment 3. Which resources reflected the characteristics of scholarly writing, and which did not? Your role in education will likely require you to not only read a variety of types of writing, but to use a variety of writing types in your own communications. As you may have noticed in the case study documents and the resources you have been exploring, the type of writing you use depends on your audience and the purpose of your communication.

For this Assignment, create a simple message related to the case study. In addition, identify three different audiences to which to communicate the message. These audiences may be extracted from the case study documents, or you may identify different audiences appropriate for the message.

Consider how you might convey the same message in writing to the three different audiences for your case study.