School violence

APA format, references includes, citation in APA format, 2 pages

School or campus violence–including horrific incidents at both K-12 schools like Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida as well as higher education institutions like Virginia Tech–has plagued the United States in recent years, generating intense media coverage. It has also become an urgent homeland security issue.

  • Identify and discuss three causes for this growing problem of school/campus violence and identify risk management or mitigation measures that seem to have worked, or which seem to have strong potential for preventing or reducing violence and saving lives.
  • Discuss how using risk assessment, impact analysis and risk management can mitigate school/campus mass shootings and violence.

links helpful:

Final Report Of The Federal Commission On School Safety, presented to the President Of The United States, December 18, 2018