- Rubric Content and Mechanics
50% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement
Contains thorough details by age group to represent the topic identified. Information is current.
Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement
Contains sufficient details by age group to represent the topic identified. Information is current.
Competence: Adequate/basic achievement
Contains some details by age group to represent the topic identified. Information is mostly current.
Emerging: Limited or growing achievement
Details are minimal or non-existent.
· Client Data
40% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement
Observation data is documented with extensive details.
Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement
Observation data is documented with sufficient details.
Competence: Adequate/basic achievement
Observation data is documented with some details.
Emerging: Limited or growing achievement
Observation data is incomplete.
· Spelling and Grammar
5% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement
Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar.
Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement
Displays proper grammar application and writing contains minimal to no spelling errors. May contain rare improper uses of words (ex., their vs. there), a misplaced modifier, or a run-on sentence, but does not detract from the overall understanding of the sentence and/or paragraph.
Competence: Adequate/basic achievement
Spelling and grammar errors occur but are inconsistent. Paragraphs and sentences are coherent but may exhibit spelling errors, run-on’s or fragments, and/or improper verb tense usage.
Emerging: Limited or growing achievement
Spelling and grammar contain substantial errors that makes sentences and/or paragraphs incoherent.
APA Style
5% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement
APA citations are free of style and formatting errors.
Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement
Errors in APA citations are less noticeable and do not detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, a missing or misused comma or period, missing parentheses, author name not properly abbreviated, indentation is misaligned).
Competence: Adequate/basic achievement
Errors in APA citations are noticeable and may detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, no title provided, year of publication is missing, no punctuation).
Emerging: Limited or growing achievement
Citations do not follow APA Style. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are not cited, or there is no attempt to cite them using APA style.