Scientific Management PaperSimilarity can not exceed 7%


Write a 2-page response paper to Taylors book. Be sure to cite page numbers if you are using quotes (remember that I want to see your understanding of the quote, not just the quote use quotes minimally). In your paper address the following questions:

Answer the following questions in your paper:

1.What is scientific management? (in your own words) page2.Scientific management analysis 1 page comprising of:a.Find and state 5 principles of Scientific Management that you agree with and justify why?b.Find and state 5 principles of Scientific Management that you disagree with and justify why?c.State and explain 3 principles from Scientific Management that apply to leadership practices today write on how you will apply these to your own leadership?3.How has scientific management influenced leadership and management today?   page as conclusion, finish strong.

Please cite page numbers if you are using quotes (remember that I want to see your understanding of the quote, not just the quote use quotes minimally. Suggestion:  one quotation per page.

Submit your paper here. Label your paper like this:

[YOUR LAST NAME, FIRST NAME] A2_Scientific Management. 

This assignment is to be submitted here before 11:59 p.m. May 16, 2021

Watch out on your percentage on the similarity report. You got away with it on A1 and I will not tolerate anything above 7% for this assignment.