Scientific Reasoning: Introduction to psychology

  Cite each source using APA format. ( Please read the instructions carefully)

Scientific Reasoning: Introduction to Psychology

1. Argument/Topic Selection

Below is a list of common beliefs in psychology. Pick ONE of these ideas to research for your project. Decide if you think this belief is true or not.

We Only Use 10% of our Brains   

Its Better to Express Anger Than to Hold it in  

Low Self-Esteem is a Major Cause of Psychological Problems  

Human Memory Works like a Video Camera  

A Deeply Hypnotized Person Will Do Whatever the Hypnotist Suggests  

The Polygraph Test is an Accurate Means of Detecting Lies  

Opposites Attract  

People with schizophrenia have multiple personalities  

Full Moons Cause Crimes and Craziness  

A Large Proportion of Criminals Successfully Use the Insanity Defense

People can only learn in their preferred learning style

SSRIs make people commit suicide.

For an example I will use the popular belief Birds of a feather flock together (meaning we like to be around people similar to ourselves) (DO NOT use this topic). I think this belief is TRUE.

2. Scholarly Sources

Find 3 scholarly sources relevant to your chosen topic. Present information from credible and relevant sources representing various points of view. You must use at least 3 different sources. Cite each source using APA format

Find sources that are recent, less than 10 years old

Be sure to look at credible sources especially if they dont agree with your hypothesis.

Write a two-paragraph description of what the source says. 

Make sure you use appropriate, well-documented, credible sources that are relevant to your argument! Do not just use the first items that pop up in a google searchuse the library or Google Scholar. You may have to change your wording a few times to find the right keywords that will result in good sources. 

o For a list of what a source can be go here: ). 

o Example:

Source 1: Montoya, R. M., Horton, R. S., & Kirchner, J. (2008). Is actual similarity necessary for attraction? A meta-analysis of actual and perceived similarity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (25), 889-922 Retrieved May 17, 2016. 

This article is a research study from a psychology journal. The researchers found that both perceived similarity and actual similarity influenced interpersonal attraction. So this article supports my hypothesis that similarity impacts attraction. This journal is peer-reviewed so it is a credible and reliable source.

3. Interpret the evidence.

Analyze and synthesize the information from the 3 articles into 1 concluding paragraph regarding your findings.

Overall, what does the research say about your topic? Does the research support your belief or not? State a conclusion that is a logical inference from your research findings. 

Your synthesis should evaluate what the research (the 3 sources you have found) suggests about your topic picked in step 1.

For this discussion, your response should include:

Your chosen topic/belief

Summary and citation of your 3 scholarly sources

Concluding paragraph